Warehouses are the physical locations where your inventories are stored. You can also setup virtual warehouses to classify your inventories based on legal entity or any other type of classification you want to do to fit your business need.
To create a new warehouse, Click on 8 dots you see on left hand side corner of the Arka screen > Search for
Warehouse > Click on Warehouse > New > Add the details > Save.
Important fields in the Warehouse:
Short Name: Its a mandatory field and it can take up to 10 characters. This is needed because system uses this name to show inventory by warehouse information in products.
Address: Address of the warehouse. The address given here will appear as delivery address in all purchase orders created for this warehouse.
PDF Settings: PDF settings section is used to add details in all PDF forms generated for transactions involving this warehouse. Logo and headers will appear on left hand side corner of the PDF and authorised signature, if added, will appear on the bottom of PDF page. To understand it better add the details and create a Purchase Order selecting the warehouse and look at the PDF Preview. This will help you understand clearly how the fields added in warehouse will appear on PDF forms.